Get with the Rez Game

Get with the rez game Get with the rez game

We gave you the game structure along with the different games’ versions that came out in our precedent article. Now, dear gamers, it is time to get involved with the intricacies of the game itself. We are going to present you the different game’s features you will find, and basically, how to get around the heart of the matter: winning the game! You also benefit from a sneak peak of what is in store for you guys in the follow-up of the game. Last but not least, you will find a consoles’ ranking to be fully able to pick the one that is best adapted for the game!

The game play

You are now fully aware that you will have to rescue a strange woman from an electronic web. You have to know that the only game angle you will have will be the one of your shooter! You will have to aim at obstacles in your quest for the “princess”. I mean, that is how we call her in our crew. Now, let us take a look at the different features! The normal mode, will give you about four different levels to explore in order to reach the fifth and win the game. You will have to go through the levels and validate them 100%, in order to access to the next levels. There is a traveling mode, which is kind of a demo of the game, where you can train yourself to get more acquainted with the game. The score attack mode features a whole bunch of chains that you will have to destroy in order to get the higher score. Last but not least, the beyond mode is the next step following the validation of the normal mode. You will be able to go back to the levels you have succeeded in passing, and get to a more expert version of those. Now, exciting stuff guys, Child of Eden has been announced as the follow-up of the game. Apparently, we will have a different set up for the game, including soundtracks that will keep you entertained for hours. Moreover, the rumor has it from a reliable source at, that Microsoft and Playstation have joined forces to modify the whole atmosphere by changing the feel of the game with a brand new camera angle! Stay tuned!

The consoles official ranking

Now, what do you say if were to rank the consoles that have actually given the best feel for the game! Well, Sega Dreamcast will have to be first guys! I mean those are the people who created the game so of course, they are going to have the best version of it, being fully functional on their consoles. Second place shall be attributed to Playstation, who put out a fantastic version of the game, which has completely outdone the original one, especially on the Palystation2.